Presentation Type (Oral, Poster)

Presentation Category (Avian medicine, Infectious diseases, Wildlife conservation and management, etc.)


Firstname Lastname 1, Firstname Lastname 2, and Firstname Lastname 2,*

1   Affiliation 1;

2   Affiliation 2

*   Correspondence:


Abstract: Please submit a single paragraph of no more than 250 words with no references, tables, graphic images or diagrams. The title should reflect the content. The abstract submitted must comply with research ethics. The abstract should highlight the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of your work. The abstract should not include acknowledgements. If you must mention the grants, they should be listed as briefly as possible. The abstract should be submitted online using the template provided in the Word Document format. ASCM – JSZWM scientific committee will review the abstract and contact you. Your presentation may be switched to a poster if the quota for presentations has been filled or if we find that abstract will be more suited for a poster.  Categories will be allocated accordingly. We ask you to keep the deadline strictly as we reserve the rights to reject any submission after the deadline. For presentation, guidelines will be updated on the conference page.

Keywords: keyword 1; keyword 2; keyword 3 (List a maximum of five major keywords in alphabetical order.)

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